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Bike lock test – really secure bike locks in the overview

bike lock review

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Bike lock test: Long-fingered people are fast and clever! If you are not careful, you can lose your beloved bike faster than you would like. A good bicycle lock can help here! But which lock is really safe?

In the bike lock test I put together practical options for you to secure your bike against theft.

Bike lock and bike theft – why a bike lock?

Bicycle lock test security theft proof bolt cutter crack
Bike lock test security theft-proof bolt cutter crack , ©Rainer Fuhrmann – stock.adobe.com

The police crime statistics show the shocking truth: In 2019, around 280,000 bicycles were stolen. Particularly high-quality bicycles in the focus of the thieves. The loot is supposed to be worth it, apparently.

To make sure you’re not one of those affected in the future, I’ve created this guide for you. A quality road bike, mountain bike or gravel bike can be expensive. Therefore your new acquisition should be well protected!

First, you’ll learn what features make a bike lock truly secure and what bike lock designs there are. Afterwards you will receive useful safety tips for the practice. You can find the test results from the bicycle lock comparison now:

Bike lock test – The best bike locks

ABUS Bügelschloss Granit XPlus 540 + USH-Halterung - Fahrradschloss mit 13 mm starkem Bügel und XPlus Zylinder - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 15-230 mm BügelhöheABUS Granit X-Plus 540U-lock15 from 151,5 kgvery good59,66 EURAmazon*
Decathlon bicycle lock Bugelschloss 920 uDecathlon Btwin 940*U-lock8 from 101,6 kgvery goodapprox. 29,99Decathlon*
ABUS Bügelschloss Granit Plus 640/135HB150 - Extra leichtes Fahrradschloss mit Rundbügel - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 12 - SchwarzABUS Granit Plus 640U-lock12 from 150,9 kgvery good79,96 EURAmazon*
Kryptonite New York FAHGETTABOUDIT Mini Bügelschloss - Sicherheitsgrad 10/10, Anti-Diebstahl Fahrradschloss Hohe Sicherheit mit 3 Schlüsseln – 8,3 cm x 15,3 cm, SchwarzKryptonite New York MiniU-lock10 from 102,1 kggood112,99 EURAmazon*
Kryptonite New York LS Bügelschloss - Sicherheitsgrad 9/10, Anti-Diebstahl Fahrradschloss Hohe Sicherheit mit 3 Schlüsseln - 10,2 cm x 26 cm, SchwarzKryptonite New York LSU-lock9 from 102,1 kggood114,99 EURAmazon*
Trelock Bügelschloss BS 650-108-300 ZB 401, 8004506Trelock U-lock BS 650U-lock6 of 61,5 kg650Preis nicht verfügbarAmazon*
ABUS Faltschloss Bordo Granit XPlus 6500 SH mit Halterung - Fahrradschloss aus gehärtetem Stahl - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 15-110 cm - SchwarzAbus Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500 / 110Folding lock15 from 152.0 kgvery good162,00 EURAmazon*
ABUS Unisex Zubehör, Schwarz, 90 cmAbus Bordo Combo 6100Folding lock9 from 151,0 kggoodPreis nicht verfügbarAmazon*
Axa Fold 100 FahrradSchloss schwarz One-SizeAxa Fold Pro 100Folding lock9 from 151,1 kgsatisfactory54,99 EURAmazon*
Kryptonite Keeper 510 Faltschloss - 100 cm, Sicherheitsgrad 5/10, Kompaktes sicheres Fahrradschloss mit Stahlgliedern, 2 Schlüsseln & Transporthalterung für FahrradKryptonite Kryptolok 610Folding lock6 from 101,2 kgsatisfactory51,99 EURAmazon*
ABUS Faltschloss Bordo Lite Mini 6055/60 - Extra-leichtes Fahrradschloss aus Spezialstahl - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 7 - 60 cm - SchwarzABUS Bordo Lite 6055/60 Mini folding lockMini folding lock7 from 150,45 kggood39,95 EURAmazon*
Abus Kettenschloss Citychain 1010/110 – Fahrradschloss aus gehärtetem Stahl – Sicherheitslevel 12 – 110 cm – 12042 – Schwarz, Schwarz (Black)Abus CityChain 1010 / 110Chain lock12 from 152,2 kggood79,99 EURAmazon*
Kryptonite Fahrradschloss KryptoLok 990 Combo I.C. (90cm), Schwarz, 3500457 ( weight 2,65 Kilogramm )Kryptonite Kryptolok 990 ComboChain lock6 from 102,6 kggood57,48 EURAmazon*
Kryptonite Unisex-Adult Cadena KryptoLok 2 915 Komponenten und Ersatzteile, Mehrfarbig, One SizeKryptonite Kryptolok Series 2 995Chain lock6 from 102,5 kgsatisfactory94,68 EURAmazon*
AXA Defender RL Rahmenschloss schwarz 2019 FahrradschlossAXA Defender RLSpoke lock12 from 150,8good28,66 EURAmazon*

Stand from the bike lock test: 2025-02-13

5 criteria for a good bicycle lock

Equal several aspects should be considered when buying a new bike lock. Top of the list is security i.e. how good the level of protection of the bike locks is.

Other properties such as weight and the size, should also be considered. A bicycle lock for on the road should always be with you and quickly to hand. The most secure bike lock is no use if you leave it at home because it’s too big and heavy.

The following aspects are particularly important for a bicycle lock.


You security is the most important aspect of the bicycle lock. This specifies the resistance against an escape attempt.

The sad truth first: No bike lock is uncrackable. Given enough time and using enough force and violence, any bike lock can be picked.

The good news: Tools like saws and large bolt cutters attract attention and make noise. The chance for the thief to be caught directly picking the lock increases. Therefore, bicycle locks that are considered secure often have adeterrent effect on thieves. The risk of being exposed when picking a secure lock is too great. Often the deterrent effect is so great that an easier victim is sought.

Manufacturers often specify the break-in security of their locks as security grade, resistance grade, or security level. More about this in the next main section

Weight and size

The weight and the size are directly related to the Ttransportability. Most people are quite intuitively aware of this. Especially a bike lock for on the road or for a bike tour should be as small and portable as possible.

Often the lock should be stowed in a bicycle bag or in a backpack. Under no circumstances should the lock interfere with driving due to the size and weight.

Small and light locks are rather insecure.

Large and heavy locks provide a high level of protection but are too unhandy. A good mix of resistance, weight, and size must be found.

Durability & Distribution

A good bike lock must be robustly made and offer long-lasting durability. Especially important is the longevity of the locking mechanism and other moving parts such as the lock links on a folding lock.

These elements must be resistant to moisture, frost, contamination and external mechanical influences.

The safest lock is useless if the locking mechanism is rusted through to the point of failure. Therefore, durability is also a major factor, when it comes to the best bike lock.


A good bike lock should not emit pollutants into the environment. The manufacturer should consider the qualitative factors regarding ecological compatibility. Just the materials very cheap bicycle locks unfortunately often contain harmful substances.


The best and safest bike lock must of course remain affordable . Therefore, price-performance plays a role.

A high quality bike is expensive and therefore you shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to bike locks. After all, this is about securing your bike.

Experts recommend: approximately 5-10% of the bike price can be invested in a secure bike lock.

Now you know the requirements for a good bicycle lock. In its Bicycle lock test, Stiftung Warentest sets out similar features for evaluating a good bicycle lock.

What are the bicycle lock security levels?

Security levels bicycle lock test
Security levels in the bicycle lock test, ©Abus

How can the security of a bicycle lock be assessed? The manufacturers give their own security levels for their bicycle locks. There are also independent institutes that evaluate the security of bicycle locks from different manufacturers. In the following, you will find out which information you can place value on and how the information can be compared.

Manufacturers specify different security levels for their bicycle locks.

Here the manufacturers proceed differently. Some manufacturers evaluate only the resistance to a break open attempt. Trelock and Kryptonite go as an example mainly evaluate the break open security.

Another example – Abus: the safety only flows 75% into the safety rating. Other factors account for the remaining 25%.

The number of security levels is also completely different: some manufacturers have 5 security levels, others 9, 15 or even 100 security levels.

Here is a list of the manufacturers and the respective security levels. More steps here does not necessarily mean a higher level of safety. The listing is for informational purposes. It is also apparent that manufacturers have very different assessment procedures.

  • 6 security levels: Trelock
  • 9 Protection level: Fishermen
  • 10 levels of security: Decathlong BTwin, Knog. Kryptonite, Masterlock
  • 15 security levels: Abus
  • 20 Security level: Zefal
  • 100 security levels: Onguard

Independent reviews for bicycle locks

You notice: Manufacturers rate their own bike locks. Different criteria are used. In any case, the data among themselves are not comparable. A cross-manufacturer system for the evaluation of bicycle locks should therefore be used.

Bike lock test ADFC logo security level
Bike lock test ADFC logo security level

Independent tests create more trust and comparability. Stiftung Warentest, the ADFC and VdS commission or conduct these tests.

The result provides information about the real break open security of a bicycle lock. This involves working with independent professionals to achieve this goal.

Bike lock types incl. their advantages and disadvantages

There are different types of bicycle locks: bar lock, chain lock, folding lock. These types usually offer good protection. In addition, there are still spiral cable lock, frame lock, spoke lock and other bicycle locks.

The properties, advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle lock types are described in this section. This makes it easier for you to decide which lock suits you best.

Bicycle lock test U-lock Folding lock Chain lock
Bike lock test U-lock Folding lock Chain lock , ©Oleksandr Kozak – stock.adobe.com


ABUS U-lock bicycle lock test
ABUS U-lock bicycle lock test

This design is one of the most secure bicycle locks. Bicycle U-locks are solid U-shaped constructions. A big advantage is the high resistance. You can’t cut a U-lock with simple tools.

With a saw, a thief would have to tamper with the lock for several minutes. Like any bicycle lock, a U-lock can be cut with a flex. Tools that are hardly ever used in practice.

The locking cylinder remains the point of attack. High-quality bicycle locks have proximity uncrackable lock cylinders.

A U-lock consists of two parts:

  • The U-piece
  • The counterpart with the lock cylinder

Both parts are brought together and sealed with each other. Your bike will be very safe!

When buying, pay attention to the size of the U-lock: already small locks are very massive and safe. However, the attachment around a lantern is only possible with large U-locks. With a U-lock, your bike must also be comparatively close to an object. Unpractical in handling. At the same time, all the better for break-in security: there are fewer opportunities to attack with a tool.

Transportation is often difficult: The rigid construction of the U-shaped bicycle lock can usually only be found in a bicycle bag or a bicycle backpack. Place. Some manufacturers also include bike lock mounts. Mounting in the frame triangle or at the back of the seat post is ideal for transport.

Vorteile BügelschlossNachteile Bügelschloss
✅ Extremely high safety level❌ Bulky and heavy in transport
good attachment to objects.❌ Small U-locks cannot be attached to every object
✅ High hurdle for thieves: Massive and hardly any points of attack
Advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle U-lock

U-lock recommendation in the bicycle lock test

ABUS Bügelschloss Granit 460 + USH460-Halterung - Fahrradschloss mit Rundbügel Sicherheitslevel 9-300 mm Bügelhöhe
  • Kein Aufbiegen oder Knacken: U-Schloss mit robustem Schließzylinder zum Schutz vor Diebstahlmethoden wie beispielsweise mithilfe von Eissprays - Ver- und Entriegeln mit Schlüssel
  • Robuster Parabolbügel: Das Gehäuse, der 12 mm starke Bügel und tragende Teile des Verriegelungsmechanismus bestehen aus speziell gehärtetem Stahl
  • Zylinder der Extraklasse: Schließmechanismus mit doppelter Verriegelung und codiertem Wendeschlüssel – Schlösser mit der gleichen Codierung können mit dem gleichen Schlüssel betätigt werden

* Werbung - Aktualisierung am 2025-02-13, Preis kann gestiegen sein, Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen, Bild:Amazon

Chain lock

ABUS chain lock bicycle lock test
ABUS chain lock bicycle lock test

Chain locks offer a high security: the flexible design offers many possibilities for transport but the chain lock is comparatively heavy.

Chain locks are available either as bare chain or with an outer fabric cover. The fabric cover the bike frame from scratches. Whether chain lock with or without fabric cover is also a matter of taste.

Numerous different lengths and link strengths are available for the chain lock. This means that a suitable chain lock is available on the market for almost every weight and security requirement.

Big advantage is the flexibility: many possibilities to secure the bike to an object open up. The chain lock through small openings on solid fences. Stable columns with a large diameter can also be enclosed with it.

The disadvantage is the weight: The individual chain links are quite heavy. This means that a chain lock can quickly add a lot of weight to the scales.

The flexible construction offers many possibilities for transport:

Vorteile KettenschlossNachteile Kettenschloss
very stable and safeRight Hard
good range when connecting fabric cover should be present to protect wheel from scratches
Flexible during transport
good price performance
Advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle chain lock

Chain lock recommendation in the bicycle lock test

ABUS Kettenschloss Catena 685 – Fahrradschloss mit Textilschlauch – ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 6 – 110 cm – Schwarz
  • ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 6: guter Schutz bei niedrigem Diebstahlrisiko - zur Absicherung günstiger Zweiräder
  • 6mm starke Vierkantkette mit Textilschlauch - zum Schutz vor Schäden am Rad
  • Stabil: Kette und Gehäuse sind aus speziell gehärtetem Stahl gefertigt

* Werbung - Aktualisierung am 2025-02-13, Preis kann gestiegen sein, Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen, Bild:Amazon

Folding lock

Kryptonite folding lock with bracket bike lock test
Kryptonite folding lock with bracket bike lock test

Folding locks aim to combine the advantages of U-lock and chain lock: maximum security with high flexibility.

The construction is similar to a folding rule: Multiple lock links are each connected with a hinge. The lock can be folded completely.

Advantages: Folded together, the folding lock is very compact and has a rectangular shape. Ideal conditions to stow it very space-saving in almost any bike bag. Many manufacturers also supply brackets with the lock. This means that the lock can be attached almost anywhere on the bike frame. Folding locks are often fixed in the frame triangle. Transport on the top or bottom of the top tube is also conceivable.

Due to the design, some length is lost when folding the lock due to the angled lock links. You may need a slightly longer lock than usual.

Vorteile FaltschlossNachteile Faltschloss
very high security level❌ Length is lost due to angling when connecting .
very compact
flexible during transport
Advantages and disadvantages of the folding lock

Folding lock recommendations in the bicycle lock test

ABUS Faltschloss Bordo 6000 ST mit Schlosstasche - Fahrradschloss aus gehärtetem Stahl - mit Pickingschutz - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 10-120 cm - Schwarz
  • Unser Klassiker mit ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 10: Faltschloss mit 5 mm starken Stäben aus gehärtetem Stahl und ABUS Plus Zylinder gegen Manipulationsversuche wie z. B. Picking
  • Das Bordo-Schloss in der Big-Variante: Hier in einer extra großen Ausführung mit 120 cm Länge - ideal zum sicheren Abschließen von einem oder mehreren Rädern
  • Attraktives Design: Die extra weiche 2-Komponenten-Ummantelung überzeugt optisch und schützt zuverlässig vor Lackschäden wie z. B. Kratzern am Fahrrad

* Werbung - Aktualisierung am 2025-02-13, Preis kann gestiegen sein, Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen, Bild:Amazon

ABUS Faltschloss Bordo 6000 ST mit Schlosstasche - Fahrradschloss aus gehärtetem Stahl - mit Pickingschutz - ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 10-90 cm - Schwarz
  • Unser Klassiker mit ABUS-Sicherheitslevel 10: Faltschloss mit 5 mm starken Stäben aus gehärtetem Stahl und ABUS Plus Zylinder gegen Manipulationsversuche wie z. B. Picking
  • Faltbar und kompakt: Die Spezialnieten erlauben flexibles Zusammenfalten des Schlosses zu einer handlichen Größe und einen leichten, platzsparenden Transport
  • Attraktives Design: Die extra weiche 2-Komponenten-Ummantelung überzeugt optisch und schützt zuverlässig vor Lackschäden wie z. B. Kratzern am Fahrrad

* Werbung - Aktualisierung am 2025-02-13, Preis kann gestiegen sein, Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen, Bild:Amazon

Spiral cable lock

Trelock spiral cable lock bicycle lock test
Trelock spiral cable lock bicycle lock test

A break-in attempt has the spiral cable lock hardly something to oppose. Spiral cable locks are therefore more suitable for as an immobilizer or very cheap wheels, where a loss hardly hurts. With a small or medium-sized side cutter, a spiral cable lock is quickly cut up.

Spiral cable locks are often seen on city bikes or in public places, in front of universities or the outdoor swimming pool.

The locks are very light, cheap and flexible in transport: A few times wrapped around the seat post and the lock holds.

Vorteile SpiralkabelschlossNachteile Spiralkabelschloss
favorablebarely break-proof: small or medium side cutter cuts the spiral cable lock
easy popular target with thieves
flexible transport mostly with cheap and weak locking mechanism
mostly long spiral cable: thus many possibilities for connection
Advantages and disadvantages of the spiral cable lock

Frame lock and spoke lock

AXA frame lock spoke lock bike lock test
AXA frame lock spoke lock bike lock test

Frame locks or spoke locks are immobilizers. A spoke lock is handy for a quick trip to the bakery or kiosk.

The frame lock or spoke lock blocks the rear wheel by means of a bolt between the spokes. Therefore, this lock is by no means safe. The bike is not anchored to an object and can still be carried away.

Vorteile Rahmenschloss/SpeichenschlossNachteile Rahmenschloss/Speichenschloss
✅ practical immobilizer❌ very unsafe: bike can be carried away
Advantages and disadvantages of the frame lock and spoke lock

Folding lock recommendations in the bicycle lock test

AXA Defender RL Rahmenschloss schwarz 2019 Fahrradschloss
  • Mattschwarz;Sicherheitsstufe 12;Maximaler Schutz durch optionalen Einsteckmöglichkeit Kindersicherung;Gehärteter Stahlbügel und Schlossgehäuse Anti-Bohr-Platte im Zylinder;Zugelassen zur Fahrradversicherung in NL/FIN/DK/SE/UK (Nederland ART**)

* Werbung - Aktualisierung am 2025-02-13, Preis kann gestiegen sein, Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen, Bild:Amazon

Other types of bicycle locks

For innovativen bike locks like the Ottolock*, Ottolock Hexaband* or LITELOCK* unconventional materials are used: here, Kevlar, textile and other materials are used.

The security of these bicycle locks is high. Even these exotics do not come close to the extremely high security of U-locks.

On the other hand, they are light and offer new possibilities for transport. The optics can convince with both locks.

Vorteile der anderen BauartenNachteile der anderen Bauarten
✅ High safety level❌ expensive
✅ stylishThe security level of the U-lock is not achieved.
✅ easy
✅ often interesting transport options
Advantages and disadvantages of bicycle locks of other types

Bike lock locking options

Classically, a bicycle lock is unlocked and locked with a key. There are also bicycle locks that can be opened with a combination of numbers. Smart bike locks can even be opened via smartphone using an app.

The options are partly a matter of taste. In some cases, the options also offer tangible advantages and disadvantages. This b


The locking option of the bicycle lock influences on the one hand the handling and also has an effect on the security of the bicycle lock. In the following section, you’ll learn about the properties of the key, numeric code, and app. locking options.

The classic method for locking and unlocking a bicycle lock is the key:

✅ Cannot be guessed: The bike lock can be opened and closed i.d.R. Exclusively with the original key. Guessing is not possible.
✅ Safe from spying: unlike a combination of numbers, you have to be in possession of the key to open or close the lock. Spying over the shoulder is therefore impossible with a key. The key stays with you!
✅ Comfort functions such as LED: higher-quality models have small LEDs integrated. This gives you an overview even in the dark.
❌ can be lost:If the key is lost, you have locked yourself out. Usually bicycle locks come with a pair of keys (two pieces of keys). High quality locks are supplied with a key card (validate designation). The key card has a numerical code printed on it. If you have the numerical code, you can have a new key made by the manufacturer.
❌ may bend or break off: in the worst case, improper use may cause the key to break off or get stuck in the lock and break off.
❌ Dirt and water can penetrate through the keyhole: The locking mechanism can then hook or even jam. A locking device can protect the locking cylinder from water and dirt. Cheaper bike locks the locking works manually. High-quality bicycle locks lock and unlock the lock cylinder when the key is inserted

Number combination

The bike lock is unlocked with a combination of numbers. If the bike lock is open then the number combinations can be changed.

✅ resistant to dirt: Dirt can hardly harm a combination lock. Even if the number roller is heavily soiled, the individual number wheels can usually still be brought into the correct position.
✅ number combination can be forgotten: if you forget the number combination, then you have locked yourself out
✅ Guessing the number combination for thieves hardly possible: a thief could possibly guess the number combination. This is a common concern of bicycle owners. In practice, this will almost never happen. A bike thief usually spends a maximum of three minutes on a break-in attempt. A much too short time to guess the 10000 combinations at a 4 digit bike lock.
❌ Spying out the combination is possible: A clever thief can look over your shoulder when opening the bike lock. The combination of numbers can be spied out in the process

Tip: Change base combination

App or remote control

Smart bike locks can be opened via app or remote control. Automatic opening and closing is possible with many models, according to the manufacturers. The bike locks open or close as soon as you approach.

✅ Theoretical high convenience: Bicycle lock is opened and locked at the touch of a button or closes and even opens automatically.
✅ Dependence on battery charge: The smartphone or remote control requires power. If the battery is empty, your bike remains connected for the time being.
✅ Additional source of error: the technology, as well as the necessary power supply contain an additional source of error.
❌ Expensive: additional hardware and the software of smart bike locks cost money. This is why smart bike locks are among the most expensive representatives of their kind.

Innovative technology more bicycle safety


In the previous section, the functionality of bike locks with app has already been explained in detail.

Bicycle alarm system

Bicycle locks with integrated bicycle alarm systems are now also available from well-known manufacturers. For example, one model is the Abus BORDO Alarm 6000A*.

An acceleration sensor detects even the smallest movements on the lock. Usually a short warning signal is given first. If the movement continues, a very loud alarm signal will sound.

The deterrent effect is great and passers-by are guaranteed to notice the noise.

The technology required makes the lock slightly larger and the function relies on a charged battery.

GPS tracker

A GPS tracker does not prevent the theft of a bicycle. Recovering a stolen bike can be made easier with a GPS tracker.

The current situation of the bike is sent to your smartphone via mobile network. Depending on the technology used, the accuracy and battery life of the tracker will vary. Often a SIM card is necessary for correct functioning.

Important for the desired functionality is a charged battery, as well as the hidden mounting of the tracker on the bike. The thief must not discover and remove the tracker under any circumstances.

Bicycle lock test security bicycle front wheel connected
Bike lock test security bike front wheel connected , ©Pb – stock.adobe.com

Prevent bicycle theft with these 7 practical tips

No bicycle lock is unbreakable! It’s just a matter of time and force expended. With the right tools, a thief can pick any bike lock. With the following practical tips, you can significantly increase the safety of your beloved bike:

Observe principle: The thief wants to steal a bike!

Bicycle thieves usually want to turn a bicycle. Higher-end bikes tend to be targeted more. But the simplicity of the theft also plays a big role. If the thief finds an easy prey, he will most likely go for this easy target. Your goal should therefore be to secure your bike in the best possible way. One or more locks in a place easily visible by passersby will most likely deter thieves. The thief will then look for another bike than yours.

Consider the following tips:

Choose a lock with a high level of security

The more secure the bike lock, the better! Look for an independent seal, e.g. from Stiftung Warentest, ADFC or VDS. The break open security should have been classified as high as possible by these bodies.

Secure bicycle twice

Two is better than one! Securing your bike with two locks greatly increases safety!

Use e.g. a high security U-lock as the main fuse. A long chain lock can provide additional security. With these measures the thief is confronted with high resistance!

Secure or remove attachments

Attachments and accessories should be secured additionally or removed yourself. Expensive accessories like bike sat navs and bike lights are popular targets for thieves. A thief can practically take these high-quality accessories in passing. The same applies to high-quality wheels with quick-releases. In addition, you should secure these accessories to the bicycle frame and ideally to a fixed object. The best way to do this is with a chain lock or armored cable.

Connecting the bicycle to a fixed object

Connect your bike to a fixed object. Ideal are bike racks anchored in the ground, large bike lanterns or other solid objects embedded in the concrete.

You should refrain from easily destroying or dismantling objects such as simple handrails or wire mesh fences. Thief just take your bike away. In the secret gangster workshop even the most massive lock is simply dismantled.

Columns that are open at the top are also not a good choice: the thief could lift the locked bike out over the top of the object and carry it away.

Do not just lock the bicycle, but connect it to a fixed object.

Attach bicycle lock tightly

The tighter the bike lock is fitted to the bike, the better! By doing this, you give the thief minimal leeway for escape attempts that require a lot of leverage. Additionally, make the lock cylinder difficult to access by placing it as far down as possible.

Place either not accessible from the outside or very well visible

Ideally, your bike will be locked to a fixed object in a lockable room. This room should not be open to the public.

Often this is not possible. Then busy places are particularly suitable. If a thief is at work here, he makes himself especially visible. This fact already deters many. Passers-by, surveillance cameras and, ideally, a high police presence provide an additional deterrent.

Change storage location regularly

Avoid locking your bike in the same place every day. Such a routine makes it easier for the thief to commit the crime. Vary your parking locations if you regularly park your bike at the station, for example. Train stations are often real hotspots for bicycle thefts. If your bike is often at the station, you can also think about buying a very cheap second bike.

Deposit solid lock on site

Of particular interest to commuters: a secondary lock with maximum security can be deposited on site. A solid U-lock or a solid chain can remain permanently at the storage location. This saves you weight when commuting and greatly increases safety.

Register bike proactively: Mechanical, Electronic and Police Bike Passport

With appropriate safety precautions you increase your chances of getting your beloved bike back. Coding measures and the bicycle passport with the police also make the bicycle less attractive for resale. These coding options are available:

Mechanical coding

The mechanical coding is an approx. 0.2mm deep engraving in the bicycle frame. This does not affect the stability of the frame. A warning sticker is also applied to protect the paintwork and act as a further deterrent.

The conspicuously attached mechanical code is intended to deter thieves. On the one hand, the bike can be assigned to the actual owner by the code. This in turn reduces the resale value of the bicycle in Germany.

The bicycle code is composed of the following data: county, municipality key, street number, house number and initials. If you move house, you either have to engrave it again or consult the residents‘ registration office for identification.

The mechanical coding is a service of the ADFC and can. Coding can be done directly at some ADFC offices or at participating dealers. On the service page of the ADFC there is the code generator and a dealer search.

Electronic coding

Electronic coding is possible via a chip integrated in the frame. The chip must be integrated by the bicycle manufacturer ex works. Alternatively, this can be retrofitted to the frame with a theft-proof clamp. This system is offered by the company Bikerfinder.

This anti-theft method is explicitly also suitable for bicycles with carbon frames. The bike protector consists of:

  • Microchip with unique and forgery-proof identification number.
  • Bikefinder Bicycle license plate
  • Bikefinder warning logo

The security chip, as well as the license plate cannot be removed without leaving obvious traces. Thus, the deterrent effect of these license plates is high. It also makes it much more difficult to resell the bike. Electronic coding offers further protection against bicycle theft.

The forgery-proof data can be read out with a special reader. The data on the bicycle license plate can be easily read by the police on site. Identification of the bicycle is thus possible by any police officer on the spot.

Police bike pass

In addition, the police bicycle passport can provide a deterrent effect and better chances of recovery. Apply to the police for a bicycle passport. This can also be done via app. This document makes it easier to identify a stolen bike. This also makes it more difficult for the thief to sell.

Bicycle security and bicycle lock test – Conclusion

With a secure bike lock you effectively increase your bike safety! A second lock gives you even more bike theft protection!

The higher the security level of the lock, the better! U-locks have proven to be the safest choice.

The coding or the bike passport of the police complete your bike safety package. Such a preventive measure is definitely recommended.

If there is a possibility to lock the parking place, all the better. If your bike is often parked in public places, the bike lock plays an even more central role. With the following tips you can increase your safety even more.

What do you think of the bike lock test? Do you have any questions? Feel free to write me your comment 😉

Sources and further links:

Cover image: ©Paolese – stock.adobe.com

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